Savage Knights MC

Property Of Riley


Axle thinks that just because he’s the “Prez” of the Savage Knights MC, he has some sort of claim on me.
But I don’t care who he is or what he wants, that biker is one heartbreak I intend to avoid. Even if he is a walking temptation with his lethal body, a deep-commanding voice that rumbles right through me, and those incredible eyes that nearly burn me alive with heat.

No matter what my body craves, I know his bad-boy reputation and I refuse to give in.


Men heel to me to win my favor and women beg for my attention, wishing they could be my “Ol' Lady.”
But not her. The only woman I want won't give me the time of day.

Determination fuels my soul and my claim has been made.
Riley is mine. Period.
She can fight the attraction tooth and nail all she wants, but soon, she’ll be giving me exactly what I want.
Her heart.

Property Of Maisy

Do you believe in second chances?





She hates me. Fine. Can’t say I blame her. But what I hate even more than the guilt clawing away at me over what I did, is watching her with other men. Especially the men I call brothers.

The morning she walked out of Axle’s room was the final straw. She’s done. I intend to cut off her supply. If her body is craving to be consumed, if all those perfect curves are in need of some undivided attention, there’s only one source available to her. ME.


Maisy is mine.

Property Of Hailey




Saying I’ve been through tough times is an understatement. I’ve stared death straight in the face a few times too many. And yet, the hardest thing I’ve ever had to face is knowing I can’t have what I want. Or, I should say who I want. The girl who owns me. Heart and soul.
She may be off limits, but temptation is the Devil’s calling, and resistance is hard to come by when she’s standing right in front of me looking like a ripe goddess. I want to devour Hailey. Breathe her in and never exhale. But I can’t. The powers that be won’t let me. So no matter how desperate I am for a taste, I won’t give into my cravings.
But dangle a ripe little cherry in front of a starving man’s face, and see if he can resist. He may actually think the consequences are worth the crime.

Property of JoeJoe






There are two red flags when it comes to RiffRaff, a brother of The Savage Knights MC. The first is the fact that he’s allergic to commitment. He’s made it very clear that he’s never settling down. He's never going to be tied down to a ball and chain, which usually would be a bonus in my book since I’m not looking to get married right now.

But the second red flag is the reason I keep my distance. Every time he’s near, my stomach flutters and my heart starts to race. The way I long for his attention, how I yearn to see his smile is a major warning sign. Huge. And the last thing I need is to go down a dead-end path leading straight to heartbreak.

Which is why with him, I keep things strictly platonic.

Yet, for some reason, Riff doesn’t seem to take the hint. And lately, he’s been trying to push the boundaries of our friendship. He’s been trying to tempt me with his wicked ways. And the more he tries, the harder he is to resist.
One thing is now certain, though. I should’ve followed my gut. Instead, I've ended up exactly where I expected. Heartbroken.

Property of Nicky





Nicky doesn't understand why her twin wants to associate with a bunch of Biker "thugs." But when she comes for her sister's wedding, there's one Savage Knight that gets under her skin. The chemistry may be undeniable, but she’s determined to keep her distance.
Trigger, on the other hand, isn’t going to stand for it. Once he sees what he wants, he goes after it. And the gorgeous vixen with the fiery personality and a body that haunts his dreams is who he wants.
She may have vowed never to be with a man, but he’s about to prove exactly why he’s the one man who deserves a chance.

Property of Chrissy




How do you stop loving the one you hate?

Shiv’s been trying to outrun his pain. But it’s back. And she’s staring him right in the face. Chrissy is the one who broke his heart. Who betrayed him in the worst possible way. How dare she come back to remind him of what he lost.
He’s determined to get her out of his town. No matter what it takes. But as the memories flood back in, the lines between hate and love are blurred.
And the fight… may become a losing battle.